Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Easter with Jenn's family

The Saturday before Easter, my family met at a park near our house to barbeque. It was a little chilly that day. Here are Stephanie, Neil and Ben- trying to keep warm near the bbq grill.

Kevin decided the best way to keep warm was to play with the kids - Devan and Kami. Here is Kevin spinning Devan.

Oh, they look a little dizzy.

Kevin is trying to get the world to stop spinning before he gets sick.

Once the dizziness is gone, they climb the baseball fence.

After all the playing, Kevin gets cold, so he puts on Devan's jacket. It's a little too small for him.

Kevin has just found the candy bar Devan had stashed his coat pocket. I think Devan wants it back.

Back at our house, we get ready to hunt for eggs. Here is my bro-in-law, Neil, Kevin and his wife Stephanie, and Kami and Devan.

Pappy, me, Kevin, Steph, Kami, Devan and Kim

Kevin and Stephanie trying to keep warm while the kids hunt for eggs.

Kami found one!

So did Devan.

Happy kids.

Happy Easter!

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